Abecedarian: what they’re thinking.

Anthropomorphizers might imagine
            an avocado feeling rotten.

Bullies seeks a satisfaction
            they never felt.

Clients don’t know what they want,
            just what they don’t like.

The thoughts of our inner demons
            deepen as they eat.

“I know nothing.” This will-o-the-wisp
            sometimes startles experts.

Friends demonstrate such endurance
            focusing on our sweetness.

Gonzo journals thought themselves
            cool, and thought themselves cool.

Sometimes I think I'd be satisfied
            as a hermit.

The Marauding Huggers touched actual
            joy in adolescence.

Don’t imagine idealists’ identities
            to be Faberge.

Human ingenuity
            fascinates junk collectors.

            prefer stillness

but gale winds tease tiny
            hairs on the bodies of lovers.

A monogamous male,
            I've counted the months.

Nightmare denizens gossip
            about my demons.

Older people can tell you
            a thing or 83.

It's the cravings
             make the pirate.

Falling in and out of love
            like a whirligig: questioners.

Rebar makers think
            long and hard.

Sake drinkers' cognition:
            the ragged edge of brushed kanji

Rodin's "The Thinker,"
            ironically, does not.

Do underwear models
            feel perennially flattered?

A Volkswagen fan offed me
            a freebie. I declined.

I'd never presume to understand
            what a wounded warrior feels.

Xenophobes gunguard
            their juiceboxes.

What the youth think
            only they know.

Zealots tie everything
            to one post.


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