
Showing posts from January, 2015

Hear, hear! Hereto, hereby, hereupon, herewith hearty har-har hear hear!

Whereof? Hereof! Zoetic Press said yes. My book's got a poetic address. I'm signing with the Zed imprint of Santa Cruz. Look at Z and me! A person asked the Dalai Lama what his most cherished moment was. The answer: "this moment." If I were a millipede, I could count on every limb a task that needs doing, a question that needs and answer, a step to take between this state and the state of published. If I were a millipede, I would walk, rippling, wherever I went. Perhaps I am one. Fuckin' A! I'm getting big-time published!

Conga Rats.

Congrats! Congratulations sir, that is amazing! congratulations again on the publishing deal, Dan.  Proud of you! That's great news! Congratulations, Daniel! I admire your persistence, and I'm glad it's been rewarded! Woohoo! Congrats, man! Wow so cool!  Great to hear! A big Kudos to you, inspiring! Congrats, Daniel - I'm proud to be a part of it! Awesome Daneil Congratulations! Hey congratulations Daniel can't wait to see the work... Wow, Daniel, that is amazing and fantastic! Congrats! Sounds like you found the right home for it... Hooray! Mazel Tov!!! I'm so happy for you! Great job!!! Xoxoxo This is absolutely WONDERFUL news. yea daniel  hooray and congrats Great news! Hope all goes well with that venture. What a great story! Excited for you! Mazel tov, Daniel! Glad to be a part of this your thriving universe-singing gladbeing unfurling : )


Because we’re brilliant, rich, full of fire and spirit. Because what happens doesn’t have to be anything other. Because already done already perfect. Yes, the whirling yes. Sweet of the bittersweet concerto, hello. Because we have less hair and more thought. Because god is in the machine, and god is playful. Yes.