A Lithuanian Proverb When your drop a glass of wine in Lithuania or bump a porcelain knickknack, shattering it, they say Kamatka lapotcha, coka pooya schmoo. No. I don’t remember the actual phrase at all, but the meaning is to the effect that the earth— reality—shifted around you, and you didn’t notice so naturally, you didn’t keep up; and it’s not wholly your fault that the teapot or peanut dish didn’t align with you and only exists in shards now. You and the world knock like misaligned gears. The machine will right itself somehow—or explode, destroying everything and leaving nothing— Kidding! Things hardly ever fly hysterically apart that way. You might fall against an aquarium, killing ten red fish, then slip on one and bang noggins with the magistrate you were trying to petition. A different saying applies in that case to the effect that earth has shaken you like a sled dog shakes knots into its harness, whi...