Covering the Book - What Do You Think?
I'm tripping out on book covers, now that I'm paying attention to my own. There's so much to it! You want it to say hello to the world, to invite readers—to compel them—to pick up your book. And buy it. It has to reflect what's inside. It has to tease. And it has to look good. Since I'm not a designer, it's perplexing to seek the path from my ideas to the graphic execution that syncs up with my ideal. Here's another twist: I don't need a book cover yet. I just need a manuscript cover as I send my book out to publishers. I need my manuscript cover to compel publishers to take a chance with my book, to convey my seriousness and talent and the value of my art. So about a week ago, I put out the word to a few designers and artists I know asking for their tries. Below are covers from three different people: Mark Bell, Ray Massie and I. Please share your thoughts with me in the comments section or at Facebook. I'd like to know what grabs...