
Showing posts from 2016

Book Spine Poetry

Resparking the habit of frequent poem-writing this National Poetry Month, I've been putting the poetry prompts from both Poetic Asides and into my hopper.Today's NaPoWriMo offering was too good to resist: Book spine poems! Lauren and Mirabai did some, too. The family that poems together, shows 'em together. I like the use of refrain. I'm pretty pleased with this one:   Lauren had similar thoughts, using two books I was planning to use. We tend to think alike and arrive at the same places at the same time. It's uncanny. Mirabai's sweet poem: An Acceptable Time Teach Yourself to Dream KEEP OUR SECRETS HUG All the World What will you come up with?  

March 15: Historic

Reading poems with Tiny Violins Signing Lauren rocked the food. Every morsel was eaten. And thanks to Stacey Danielson, too. Charles Cunningham, publisher David Fleischmann gets his contributor's copies.

This book is my Led Zeppelin I

STOKED! Book releases March 15 at Norfolk Press. Please come - and Respondez S'il Vous Plait